How to Position Jump bars:

The smaller the dog, the closer the bars go and the lower they go. Visa versa for larger dogs. With the sliding center bar and the sliding jump cups, this jump makes it quick and easy to change jump bar positions.

For height adjustment: the bars rest on 4 pairs of clip-on jump cups that slide up and down on the vertical poles (for height adjustment). The range of height settings is infinite between 4" and 24". The lower jump bars should be set to one half the height of the top bar.

For width adjustment: the vertical bar you see inside the square side-frames slide back and forth horizontally for infinite width adjustments. The width distance between jump bars should be set to one half the jump height.

The Double Jump includes visual instructions that will help you:

  • Choose the correct maximum jump height for your dogs size.
  • Set the width between jump bars.
  • Assemble your jump.
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