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This Month's Free Training Lesson:
Training in Summer Heat

"Dear Professor K. Nyne,

Q. It's really hot and humid outside, but we have a trial coming up in a month and we really, really need to practice. What can I do to practice without overheating my dog and maybe getting heat exhaustion or sun stroke?"
- Heated in Hampton

The Professor's Answer:

That's a very valid concern! During the summer months agility is in full swing, and sometimes heat waves can last for weeks. That seriously cuts into agility time! While there is such a thing as too hot for man or beast, there are some ways you can help your dog and your practice to be cooler.

Early Day, Early Evening
Try to practice your agility courses early in the morning, or just at sunset. It may not seem like a huge difference, but sometimes a little bit is just enough to save your dog- and you from sunstroke or heat exhaustion. Keep your sessions a bit shorter- instead of one half-hour session in the evening, try for one fifteen minute session in the morning, one at night. This also cuts down on chances of you or your dog getting sunburned.

Water Obstacles
Another way to keep your courses cool is to use water obstacles. Your dog can't sweat like you do, and wetting their coat helps keep them from overheating by dissipation of heat. This way your dog gets to run and jump and tunnel and still keep his cool. An added benefit of a wet course is your dog will know how to run on a wet course! How many agility meets occur on rainy weekends, or just after a big storm?

Kiddie Pool or Hose
Kiddie pools are a great way to keep your dog from overheating. Fill one half-full and leave it in the yard. Some dogs go in and lie down, spending the day in the pool rather than running around the yard. Put the pool in a shady area so that it doesn't become a hot tub. Some dogs hate to be sprayed with hoses, so this is a good option for the water pressure hating dogs. Even a small tub that the dog can stand in is better than nothing- dogs cool themselves through their mouths and feet, and cool water on their feet helps.

Water and Ice and Everything Nice
Keep multiple bowls or buckets of water around for your dog. Dogs don't like to drink slime! If it's a horribly hot day, go ahead and put some ice in the water occasionally to bring the temperature down and to help keep the water levels up. Don't feed too much ice, as it can cause bloat or cramps for your dog. Check the water frequently. It can disappear before you believe it!

Keep it Cool
Dogs will still try to do things if you ask them to. If it's too hot, it's too hot. Practice something inside and let your dog lie on a nice cool floor. Fans help cool your dog down, too, so set one in front of their crate if they like it. Practice targeting, or perfect your stay. There's always something you can do with your dog, even if you can't get outside due to the heat.

If you suspect your dog has overheated, cool them down quickly with water and head to the vet or veterinary emergency center immediately. Even if you've cooled them down, there can be lasting damage if the dog is not treated professionally. Go here for more information on treating heat strokes in dogs.

Summertime and agility go hand in paw. Whether you use water obstacles or a pool, make sure to keep your agility fun and safe in the summer heat. The only burning on course should be your speed!

The Professor Recommends:
  • Water Obstacles
    Our exclusive obstacle creations combine agility with water for the ultimate challenge! See them all here! The Hydro Hoop (a water tire jump), Puddle Jumper (an adjustable water jump), Doggie Drencher (the original water obstacle!), and Aqua Hurdle (spray jumps in variegated heights).


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