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This Month's Free Training Lesson:
Training With Dog Games

"Dear Professor K. Nyne,

Q. I see a lot of people playing with the Doggie Interactive Games, and I want to know - are they really fun? Are they just fun, or do dogs actually learn valuable skills? I don't want to get one and find out my dog and I will never play with it!"

- Skeptical in Saskatchewan

The Professor's Answer:

I can understand your skepticism. When we first started carrying the games here at Affordable Agility, we all wanted to know, how is this useful for agility? So, we tested the game on two of our employees' dogs, and found that oh, boy, it IS fun, and it is useful for agility- how? First, I'll explain how they work.

The training for these games is very very easy- and each one comes with its' own training booklet! Start out easy, like with everything in agility- a treat in every pocket, and leave the pockets easy to get at- half open, or half uncovered. Tell your dog to 'get it!' and be prepared for mayhem! I used a very smelly treat, to make things easier. To make the game harder, completely cover the treats. And then, when your dog is getting it all, start only putting treats in about three-quarters of the pockets- then half! Make sure that your dog is always getting treats, though, it's no fun to work for nothing! This system of playing can be very helpful.

Low-pressure rewarding
The first dog tested, Quick, is a very 'soft' dog. He takes a lot of reassuring and treats to work at his best. The game gave him lots of treats and lots of praise from me for being so smart! He was actually wagging the entire time, and his face lost some of the 'worried' look, though he was certainly concentrating! Playing like that is helping him to realize that it is okay if he doesn't get a treat in the first few pushes of his nose- he'll get one sooner or later!

These games are not easy. They're a real challenge to the dogs' perseverance and intelligence! Using paws or noses, the dog must slide open treat pockets, or dislodge plastic bones that are hiding treats. As the dog gets more 'advanced', there are fewer treats, better covered. They have to think creatively, and work hard to get their treats.

This toy made the tester laugh until they cried- Nova, the other test dog, went crazy with the toy, snuffling and sniffling and checking and rechecking each pocket. It was the most fun she had in ages! You're with your dog the whole way, laughing and praising, and maybe even helping by pointing to one they've missed!

How does all of this apply to agility?
I hope I've converted you, Skeptic! First- your dog has to wait while you dispense the treats. That's a good stay behavior. Second, it can help a dog build confidence. Third, a dog that learns to concentrate will perform better on an agility course, since they are learning to think. And lastly, you are building a relationship with your dog. You know that playing with your dog is what makes him or her love life, you, and enjoy agility. Agility is all about fun- and these interactive training games are, too.

The Professor Recommends:
  • Dog I.Q. Interactive Games
    The best games we've found to test and challenge your dog's mental skills. Keeps your dog occupied and interested for hours!


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