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This Month's Free Training Lesson:
Hooper's Hoops

"Dear Professor K. Nyne,

I just watched a run from the new "Hoopers Class". It was awesome! I liked how one safe, low impact device can showcase the handler and dogs' bond and communication. Can you tell me more about it?"

- An Agility Student

The Professor's Answer:

NADAC's Hoopers class is unlike any other agility game. While the dog's physical demands are minimal (basically it's just flat-surface running), the challenge of Hoopers is entirely focused on the ability of the handler and the dog to work together as a smooth flowing team. It is the responsibility of the handler to strategically plan the course, and then direct the dog through the hoops on an efficient path so they can collect the needed hoops and complete their course in the least possible time.

General Rules:

The Hoopers course contains only one obstacle - Hoops! They are all ground-level, so there is no jumping . Hoops can be either full-hoops, or arch style. I like the arch style because the dogs don't mistake it for a tire jump. A typical Hoopers class contains some hoops that are called "non-test" hoops. They are always clear to see and usually in a straight line down the center of a course. On the side of these hoops are more hoops that are called "test hoops" because they require fancier footwork. You might have to "thread" your dog in and out through hoops, or do a circle with them, or any other number of twisting and turning. All of these require good communication and directional cues with your dog!

More uses for the Hoop:

Besides being used for a fun game, hoops also make wonderful training aids. Because they require no jumping or physical challenges, they can be used to train puppies' basic directional cues that will later be very useful on regular agility obstacles. In addition, older dogs can greatly extend their agility careers using these safe, no-impact obstacles.

The hoop is also perfect for anyone who is more experienced in the sport. Nothing is quite like a hoop course! Because there is no performance time in going through a hoop, you can work on refining your handling lines and body language in between hoops more easily.


Hoops are lightweight, easy to store and travel with. You can pack a bunch of them in a bag and set up at a park. Not only can you create endless game sequences with them, but also you can really concentrate on the 'teamwork' aspects that agility so beautifully exemplifies.

The Professor Recommends:

For more information about Hoopers, click here.


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