. Determining your Dog's Jump Height
First measure your dog: The agility organizations have the following
jump height divisions: AKC For
dogs 10" and under at the withers: 8" jump height USDAA For
dogs 12" and under at the withers: 12" jump height CPE
For dogs 8” or less: 4” jump height For dogs 12” or less:: 8” jump height For dogs 16” or less::
12” jump height For dogs 20” or less::
16” jump height For dogs 24” or
less:: 20” jump height UKC For
dogs 14" and under at the withers:: 8" jump height NADAC
dogs’ 11’’ and under:: 8” jump
height For dogs 14” and under:: 12” jump height For dogs 18” and under:: 16” jump height For dogs’ 20” and under:: 20” jump height For dogs’ over 20”: 20” jump height Jump heights have often changed over the
years, so check with the different trial organizations to get their current
rules. Their address, phone, and websites are listed on our fun