You've heard about all the advantages of rubberized surfaces for contact obstacles. You've seen the recommendations from the best of the agility world and many agility organizations. You know rubberized surfaces offer a safe climbing surface for dogs' claws to grip, without the loud 'scrabbling' of a sand-treated contact surface. It's becoming increasingly common at trials as clubs resurface their contacts for safety and speed. Rubber surfaces are taking contacts by storm!
We are proud to offer you the Pampered-Paws rubber coating kits! Our kits are an improved version of the sprinkle method , where you first apply glue to your contact equipment s surface, then apply rubber granules. It is not a wet pour method (where glue and rubber are premixed before applying), nor is it a pre-made rubber skin. They come with colored rubber pellets, glue, a spreader, and detailed application instructions. To learn more, please read through the FAQ s below.